Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer is a foundational tool, combined with Daily Meditation, that helps to reconnect with God’s Presence within.

Daily Prayer - Reconnecting With Spirit Centre
Daily prayer is useful in helping us to manifest prosperity, knowing God, dealing with life’s challenges, getting on track, health, healing, developing virtues, dealing with fears, praying for others and for conditions in our world, and much more.

Praying is something that almost everyone does when things are tough and they are overwhelmed – even if they don’t want to admit to praying.

Exploring Prayer

Explore different prayers:

Although I come from an Anglican (Christian) tradition (I studied Theology at McGill University in the Department of Religious Studies with the idea of becoming an Anglican priest) I am going to be exploring approaches to prayer and prayers that I have learned in a number of different traditions including Anglicanism, Hinduism, the International Metaphysical Ministry, Pure Land Buddhism, Reiki, Science of Mind, the Self-Realization Fellowship, The Spiritual Science Fellowship, Taoism, Tibetan Buddhism, True Buddha School, Shamanism, and Vajradhatu.

My focus is now informed by the Centre for Spiritual Living on the Lake, the International Metaphysical Ministry, Reiki, and Celtic Shamanic practice.

As we weave praying and prayer with Meditation into our daily routines we will see that prayer can bring about changes in our lives.

I hope that you enjoy the prayers that are continually being added here for your use and enjoyment.

Exploring Prayer

Explore different prayers:

Key Steps to Reconnecting With Spirit

Learn about the Key Steps to Reconnecting With Spirit:

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